Use this procedure to transfer funds between accounts that are not registered with the system. These accounts can be your own accounts in other banks or third party accounts in other banks.
This procedure is suitable for one-time payments or in-frequent payments. If you are transferring funds to a particular account on a regular basis, it is advisable to register the beneficiary in the system and use the Fund Transfers to Registered Accounts feature. See Transferring to registered accounts |
To transfer funds between un-registered accounts, you must specify the account from which you are transferring the funds and the beneficiary account details to which you are transferring the funds. You must enter the transfer amount and also a brief description regarding the transfer. You must enter your transaction password to validate the transaction.
Once you have completed this procedure, the transaction request is received by the bank system and will be verified. Upon successful verification, the transaction will be processed.
To transfer the funds:
For field descriptions, see Third Party Ad-hoc
1. On the Fund Transfer menu, click Third Party Ad-hoc.
2. On the Fund Transfer page, specify the transfer details:
a. Select the account number from which you want to transfer the funds.
b. In the Transfer Amount field, enter the amount you want to transfer, and in the Fund Transfer Remarks field, enter a brief description of the transfer.
c. Select the payment type for the transfer as follows.
• To transfer immediately, click Immediate.
• To transfer on a pre-define date, click Future Date. Then enter the date in the field that appears.
d. Select whether it is a Seylan account or other bank account.
e. Enter the beneficiary’s name, account number and the bank details in the respective fields.
f. Options:
• To register the beneficiary in the system, select the Save as Beneficiary check box.
• To send the beneficiary a text message, select the Send Beneficiary SMS check box.
g. Click Proceed.
Confirm the transfer: Enter the one-time password, and click
Once you confirm the transaction, the transaction summary page
Optional: On the transaction summary page, click the Download button to save the page as a
Subsequently, you can check the Fund Transfer History page to view the status of the transaction. See Viewing the fund transfer history |