Use this procedure to transfer funds between your own accounts in the bank. The transfer will be processed once the system verifies the transaction details and authenticates your transaction password.
To transfer the funds, you must specify the account number from which you are transferring the funds, the destination account to which you are transferring the funds, and the transfer amount.
You must have sufficient funds in your account to carry out an online fund transfer.
Once you have completed this procedure, the transaction request is received by the bank system and will be verified. Upon successful verification, the transaction will be processed.
To transfer the funds:
For field descriptions, see Fund Transfer Own Account
1. On the Fund Transfer menu, click Own Account.
2. Enter the transfer details:
On the Fund Transfer page, select the account number from which you want to
transfer the funds.
The transfer limits associated with that account appears
at the top of the page.
b. From the Destination Account Number list, select the account to which you want to transfer the funds.
c. In the Transfer Amount field, enter the amount you want to transfer.
d. Select the payment type for the transfer as follows.
• To transfer immediately, click Immediate.
• To transfer on a pre-define date, click Future Date. Then enter the date in the field that appears.
e. Click Proceed.
3. Confirm the transfer:
a. On the Fund Transfer Confirmation page, review the transaction and click Yes to confirm.
b. If you want to modify the transaction, click Back and modify the details. Then proceed to confirm.
Once you confirm the transaction, the transaction summary page appears.
4. Optional:
On the transaction summary page, click the Download button to save the page as a PDF.
Subsequently, you can check the Fund Transfer History page to view the status of the transaction. See Viewing the fund transfer history |