New Account History

To access this page: On the Create an Account menu, click New Account History

The New Account History page displays the Savings Accounts and Fixed Deposit accounts that you have created through the Internet Banking application. You can search for a particular account that you created or view all the accounts

See Viewing the account creation history




Transfer Type

Whether it was a Fixed Deposit or a savings account that was created

From Date

The start date of the search period

To Date

The end date of the search period

Reference No.

The system assigned identification number

Created Date

The date on which the account was created

Source Account No.

The account from which the funds were transferred

Deal Period

The period for which the Fixed Deposit was created

Interest Settlement Method

The method in which the interest is settled, for Fixed Deposit Accounts

Interest Collecting Acc

The account to which the interest is credited monthly


The amount used to create the account.