Scheduled History

To access this page: On the Scheduled Transfers menu, click Scheduled History

The Scheduled History page displays the status of the scheduled and executed bill payments and fund transfers.

See Viewing the scheduled history




User Account Number

The account from which the transfer is made

Execute from Date

The start date for the search criteria

Execute to Date

The end date for the search criteria

Created Date

The date on which the entry was created

Scheduled Date

The scheduled date of the transfer

Executed Date

The actual date on which the transfer was executed

Reference No

A system assigned ID for the scheduled transfer

Schedule Type

Select whether it is a fund transfer, utility payment, etc

Source Account No

The account from which the transfer is made

Destination Account No

The account to which the transfer is made

Transfer Type/Service Provider

Indicates the service provider for utility payments, and the bank name for fund transfers


The transfer amount